TEXTSPLIT Function In Excel : A complete how to guide on splitting text cells effectively
In the world of data management, Excel reigns supreme. Whether you are a seasoned analyst or a casual spreadsheet enthusiast, you know Excel’s functions are crucial for transforming raw data
Inserting and Formatting Charts in Excel – can we make them look better?
Formatting charts in Excel offers robust features for creating visual representations of data by adding charts and graphs. These graphical visual aids not only simplify the interpretation of complex datasets
Match Function in Excel – did we find a good fit?
Introduction Information is the largest resource of the 21st century. We are all surrounded by information and data. Organisations must systematise and dispose of essential information for business decisions. For
Excel Cheat Sheet – formulas you want to have at the back of your hand
In today’s era, being efficient and productive is significant for a successful career in any field. In the competitive environment, honing skills that add advantage to your profile helps you
SUMPRODUCT in Excel – a matrix calculation function
WHAT IS SUMPRODUCT IN EXCEL FUNCTION? The SUMPRODUCT in Excel function is found under the Math & Trigonometry section of the Formulas Tab in excel. This function not only multiplies
Excel Offset function – a perfect set off to the lookups
WHAT IS EXCEL OFFSET FUNCTION? Offset function returns a reference to a range that is a given number of rows and columns from a given reference. This reference point in
COUNTIFS Function in Excel – count you in or not?
The COUNTIFS function is a versatile tool and is categorized under Statistical functions in Excel. It is used for counting cells that meet multiple criteria across different ranges. Although both
INDIRECT Function – nothing direct about it
The Indirect function returns the reference specified by a text string. It is used to indirectly reference cells, ranges, other sheets within the same workbook or a different workbook. Instead
The If Function in Excel – What would you do without it?
The IF function in excel is one of the most used Excel functions and is used to test a condition. The condition tested returns one value if the condition is
Index Match – A combination made in heaven
Index-Match function has become more popular tool in excel than VLOOKUP function as it solves the limitations of VLOOKUP and is similar and more dynamic to use. While the X-Lookup