The Impact of Financial Modeling on Business Decision-Making in 2021

The Impact of Financial Modeling on Business Decision-Making in 2021

What is financial modeling?

Financial modeling is the process of constructing a spreadsheet that contains a summary of company’s expenses and earnings that may be used to evaluate the impact of a future event or a decision.

For all the business executives, a financial model can be useful in a variety of ways. It is commonly used by financial analysts to examine and forecast how future events or executive choices will affect a company’s stock performance.

They are used by financial analysts to explain the influence of various events in a company’s stock, ranging from internal elements such as change in strategies or business models to external one search as changes in economic policy or legislation.

Users of financial models are given a set of basic assumptions. Sales growth for example is a frequently projected line item. The increase or decrease in gross in the most recent quarter compared to the preceding water is recorded as sales growth. To compute sales growth, a financial model, you just need these two parameters.

Why is financial modeling important?

The value of financial modeling stems mostly from its capacity to help businesses make better financial decisions. It is commonly utilised by businesses for future planning purposes. Financial modeling enables scenario planning by stimulating the impact of critical factors so that a business understands what to do in various situations that may emerge.

  • It is an improved and in-depth understanding  of businesses-  Organisations that construct financial models have a greater understanding of their businesses and the factors that affect their competitors and are more prepared for any unexpected situation.
  • Provides a periodic review of performances- Reviewing of performances can also be conducted on a regular basis to obtain feedback on business operations. Some advanced financial models assist businesses in making adjustments to the operation based on variance analysis in order to increase overall earnings.
  • Helps in deciding the fund requirements and strategies- the financial models assistant data mining what the cash flow position would be after paying interest and repayment of debts. This helps in determining if and to what degree the company can take on debt financing as well as the appropriate level of equity financing.

Top financial modeling examples- 

Financial modeling is a valuable resource. You must construct your model in response to a specific query. FP&As employ a variety of models, depending on the problem they are attempting to answer.

Let’s have a sneak peek to the top 3 examples of financial modeling, to understand this field better:

  1. Three-statement Financial model-

In three state financial modeling the three financial reports of a corporation that are the revenue statement balance sheet and cash flow statement are included anticipated for the future.

In financial modeling, the model in three states represents the true and real nature. The three-state model provides a full overview of the financial present and future performance of the history of the organisation.

It has predictive power as well. The financial 3 state model enables you to look at your company’s performance in many ways and to see how various decisions affect the future of the organisation.

  1. M&A Model-

The M&A model assesses the impact on profits per share of the new enterprise of the newly formed enterprise, resulting from a merger or acquisition. This is then compared with the current EPS of the company. The M&A model helps a corporation to determine whether the company can benefit from a proposed merger or acquisition.

This deal is seen as investable if the M&A predicts a rise in EPS, which means the transaction should result in growth. However, if the model M&A model reveals a reduction, then it is regarded as dilution, therefore, this will be reducing the value of the company.

You can quickly get a sample of financial M&A models for Excel with the fast and easy Google search.

  1. Forecasting Models-

The FP&A department takes charge of forecasting, which is one of the most typical jobs. It is usually used to forecast future incomes, expenditures and the cost of capital. Financial prediction models are frequently compared to the current budget for hindsight analysis of performance. Let’s have a look on the four instances of financial modeling used in the prediction-

These share the top three examples of financial modeling. You can view the broader picture and make strategic decisions based on the latest facts in a strong financial model.

Also, in addition to budgets and predictions, the FP&A team is also responsible for supporting decision making and specific projects such as market research and optimisation of processes.

Best Financial Modeling courses

Taking up courses for financial modeling would prove to be very beneficial for you. All these courses featured down below are especially designed to teach you everything from the basics, so that you don’t get confused in the learning process.

The financial modeling and valuation analyst is a designation that provides certification programs which focus on practical applications of financial analysis, valuation modeling presentations and so on.

This designation covers the entire financial analyst set of skills and provides the tools and necessary training to become a top notch financial analyst.

The courses listed below are related to FMVA, which is financial modeling and valuation analysis.

Let’s have a overview of these courses and focus on what they’re designed to teach you:

  1. Business Finance Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs

Under this course you will be able to work upon the skills that are: being comfortable with Finance terminologies, creating a business and financial model of a company, identifying key value drivers of a business, assessing future business projections of key metrics, estimating the external funding to be raised from investors, negotiating the percent of equity dilution to investors, estimating the valuation of your business.

This course is specially designed for busy professionals but if you are a fresher you can also do this course because the teaching will be from scratch.

You would be able to learn the aspects of Finance that an entrepreneur would be involved with, what are the things that investors look for investing money in a business, business planning and fundraising and how they are interlinked.

  1. Financial Modeling Functions in Excel

This is a very unique cause that lets you learn about important financial modeling functions used in excel that every financial analyst should be aware of. Under this course you will be able to learn very important things that are: EMI functions for home loans; goal seek function in Excel, total shareholder returns functions; scenario modeling functions; IRR, NPV, XIRR, XNPV, MIRR FUNCTIONS, PMT, NPER, RATE, PPMT, IPMT FUNCTIONS.

The industry experts will be teaching you this course from the scratch which you can take from anytime and anywhere. You’ll also get a detailed understanding of top 10 financial functions in excel which would prove to be very beneficial for you in the future in financial modeling.

  1. The Financial Analyst Skills Training Program

The course is designed for you to master the complete financial modeling and valuation skills in 3 months. The level of this course is also intermediate so that you get to learn properly and clearly.

You will master the skills in various finance related aspects and they’re: building business and financial models, financial accounting, financial ratios analysis, forecasting financial performances, scenario based modeling, business valuation techniques, DCF based company valuation, multiples based company valuation, corporate finance principles, and so on.

You will be able to learn so many things with this which is designed to teach you practically about Excel spreadsheets and understanding various functions in excel such as, VLOOKUP, COUNTIF, MATCH, INDEX, etc. The difficulty level of assignment would also be medium.

This is just an overview of these interesting courses. Now think about how amazing they would be while learning each of these skills and modules by the experts who’re experienced this field for a very long time. These courses are flexible enough and would suit perfect to the busy professionals who want to build their career in financial modeling as a switch.

Financial Modeling and valuation

The main curriculum of the financial modeling and valuation analyst revolves around the important topics for financial analyst which is a combination of detailed focus and big picture learning process.

Let us focus mainly on financial modeling and valuation and taking up certain courses would be vital to enhance your career in this field. They provide special skills that are really helpful and significant in the entire financial sector.

  1. Stock Market Valuation Fundamentals-

Under this program you will be able to learn the different techniques and methodologies to assess the value of a company listed in the market. You will be able to understand these main parts that are: difference between fundamental and technical Stock Analysis, market capitalisation and enterprise value, methodologies to value a business, power of compounding in stock market, investing lessons from test match cricket, Bombay Stock exchange case study, GameStop stock price movements case study, Indian IT companies valuation case study.

The course will be reaching you from scratch. The course is very beneficial if you want to take investing lessons along with valuation and modeling.

  1. Business Finance Fundamentals for non-finance Professionals-

This program course is all about mastering the complete fundamentals in finance, accounting and business valuation in 3 months. The skills that you would be able to learn are: business Finance fundamentals, accounting fundamentals, key financial statements, financial ratios, financial analysis comparison, financial performance bench-marking, business valuation, financial forecasting techniques, business planning, and so on.

The course is very important if you want to transform your career in finance because it deals with critical terms that are accounting, balance sheet, recording transactions, financial terms, and so on.

  1. The Valuation Analyst Skills Training Program

This particular course is designed to help you master in creating an intrinsic valuation model for any company within 3 months. You be able to master in skill sets based on finance and they are: fundamental valuation techniques, step by step framework for company valuation, evaluating business model of a company, analysing financial statements and ratios, forecasting future financials of company, discounted cash flows valuation, multiple based relative valuation technique, buy versus sell investment recommendation, sensitivities in valuation Analytics, etc.

The course is very interesting for you which will be focusing on valuation analyst skills mainly. You are able to learn the valuation framework under which historical financial forecasts and financial valuation technique valuation sensitivity comes.

These are very important because you will be able to master so many skills and become one of the top Excel users in no time. The courses are brilliant in letting you discover How to value a company. They also help you create models with multiple scenarios.

The duration of these courses also are around 1.5 years per video. On an average you would be able to finish watching each of the videos containing important aspects of Finance in three to four weeks.


The future scope of financial modeling applications is very broad and extensive because models are used for a broad range of decision making including mergers, acquisitions, capital collection, internal planning, budgeting projections, investments, assessments and so on. The professionals in private equities, investment banking, business development, equity research and financial planning and analysis are generally involved in these activities. These professionals are also known as financial planning and analysts.

Thus, the scope of financial modeling is gaining all over the globe. The Models for financial accounts and auditing are different from those used. Instead of having a formal degree to create a financial model it is essential to understand a company effectively, such as the drivers of revenue are the drivers of costs.


Enrol into the various valuation and financial modeling courses listed above in this blog. There are various financial tools that are a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to you. The main topic of today’s that is financial modeling. There are different situations that call for different types of models. If you want to learn these tools to become an expert, do not forget to take courses that are really significant for you to enlarge your horizons.

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  2. Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

  3. Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

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