6 Steps to Get Data Analysis Done Right with SQL

Whether you’re a software engineer, a data analyst, or someone in between, chances are you spend a lot of time working with data. In most organizations today, data analysis is

Modeling Financial Projects with Excel VBA

Modeling financial projects is more than just crunching numbers and sorting pivot tables. It’s about seeing the big picture, understanding how variables will impact future performance, and identifying opportunities for

How to Use AutoSum in Excel: The Ultimate Guide

When you’re working with numbers, it can be easy to overlook small errors that could have a big impact on your final result. Fortunately, there are a number of functions

How to Do a t-Test in Excel (and Why You Should)

When analyzing data sets, you may come across a situation where you need to test the hypothesis that two different samples come from populations with the same median. In statistics,

Excel VBA for Loops: A Beginner’s Guide

Excel VBA for Loops is something that most people avoid like the plague, and there is good reason for this. Once you get past their scary name, they aren’t all