How To Save A PowerPoint As A Video: 8 Easy Steps

How To Save A PowerPoint As A Video: 8 Easy Steps

PowerPoint presentations have become a staple of modern business, and with good reason: they’re fast, easy to use, and virtually anyone can put together one.

That said, the world has never been more plugged-in than it is today; that means your presenters need to be plugged-in too. To save a PowerPoint as a video instead of just reading from notes will not only help your presentation feel more dynamic but also make it easier for your audience to understand what you’re trying to say.

In this blog post we’ll cover everything you need to know about saving a PowerPoint as a video, from how to choose the right software and format for your slide deck to the best tips for making your video slides stick in viewers’ minds long after they leave your desk.

How to Save a PowerPoint Presentation As A Video

When it comes to saving presentations as videos, you have a few different options. Depending on what kind of content you’re creating, you may have a preference for one over the others. Before we dive into the specifics of each, let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of each format so you can make an informed decision. – Slides as a video: these are either a slideshow or a series of short clips connected together with an introduction, a transitional shot, and an exit shot like any standard PowerPoint.

– Slides combined with narration as a video: in this format, you either read your slides and narrate them as you would for a normal PowerPoint presentation, or you record a separate voice-over track. – Slides combined with music and animation as a video: in this format, you either read your slides and narrate them as you would for a normal PowerPoint presentation, or you record a separate voice-over track. This is a bit different than the next two formats, as it combines PowerPoint with the addition of music and graphics.

Software for saving a PowerPoint as a video

Ok, let’s talk about the software. You may be able to create videos in Microsoft Office, or you may need a dedicated video editing software like Adobe Premiere or Apple Final Cut Pro X. In either case, there are a few things you should look for when choosing a software.

– How stable is the software and how reliable is it? No matter how good your video editing skills are, if a piece of software crashes mid-creation, you’ll end up with a useless video. – What format support does the software allow you to use? Let’s say you’re looking to create a PowerPoint-to-Video presentation. Then, the video editing software you choose should have support for exporting to the MP4 format, so you can avoid using someone else’s proprietary format.

– How easy is it to learn and use? If you’re looking to save a PowerPoint presentation as a video, you should know that different software work differently. Some may be easier to understand or may even come with tutorials to help you get started.

Final Cut Pro X for pros and Cons of Using It

Easily one of the best video editing software options out there, Final Cut Pro X comes with phenomenal pros and a few cons. The pros of using it are that it’s incredibly easy to use, supports virtually every video format you could want, and is incredibly reliable.

The cons of using FCX are that it is only available on Mac computers, and it’s only $299. That being said, it’s a great option for businesses that need a powerful video editing tool, but don’t want to break the bank getting it.

How to Create Your Video Slides

Now that you have the software you need, you’ll need to learn how to use it. If you’re using a dedicated video editing software like Final Cut Pro X, it will likely come with a tutorial to help you get started. If not, don’t worry; it’s incredibly easy to learn. Here are a few tips to get you started. – Make sure your microphone(s) work properly before you start recording.

This should be obvious, but we’ve seen countless times where users forget to test their microphones before starting a project. – Choose a good location for your recording. Even though you can record in almost any location, room tone is always better than the hallway or bathroom. – Speak clearly and slowly.

These two things will keep you from making mistakes that could ruin your video. – Add some flare to your video. This could mean adding a few filters to your footage, sprinkling your video with some text, or adding some music. – When you’re finished recording, make sure to export your video as an MP4 file. This is the file type your video editing software will expect.

How to Save a PowerPoint as A Video From Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is one of the most popular office suites in the world, and one of its most popular features is the ability to create and save PowerPoint presentations. If your presentation is already saved in the ppt or pps file format, you can easily convert it to a video, and the best part is that it takes just a few seconds.

You can also save your presentation as a video directly from the PowerPoint application, but this is only possible on Mac computers. If you are using a different operating system, you will need to use Microsoft Office to convert the ppt file to a video.

What is saving a PowerPoint as a video?

This is the question that you should be asking yourself before you start creating your video presentation. Before you can save a PowerPoint as a video, you need to know what format you’re exporting it in. There are multiple formats you can export your PowerPoint as a video in, and the best one for you depends on what kind of video you want to create.

If you’re looking to create an MP4-to-video presentation, there are two formats you should keep in mind. The first and most common is the MP4 format. This is a relatively new format that’s quickly gaining popularity and is supported by nearly all modern devices. The other format you need to keep in mind is the MOV file. This format is older but still supported and is more commonly used in mobile devices.

Tips for making your PowerPoint video stick

There are a few key things you can do to make your PowerPoint video as memorable as possible. These include making sure to keep your presentation interesting and engaging, that your transitions are smooth and don’t cause any stutters or jumps, and that your visuals are clear, sharp, and easy to understand.

When it comes to keeping your presentation interesting, you want to make sure to avoid falling into one of the most common traps that PowerPoint presenters fall into: talking too much.

While you want to make sure you cover the content you want to cover, too much information is never a good thing, and that’s why you want to make sure you keep your presentation interesting. When it comes to keeping your presentation engaging, you want to avoid talking above your audience’s head. This means you should make sure you’re speaking at a level that your audience can understand.


PowerPoint presentations have been a staple of business for decades, and there’s no reason to change that now. If you want to make your next PowerPoint presentation a video, though, you’ll want to make sure you save a PowerPoint as a video. These are the best tips to help you make that happen.

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